Save the date: 16 | 17 | 18 May 2025

A weekend with a view

Look closely at what is happening.
Ilse Aichinger

Helena Lea Manhartsberger: IN BETWEEN STATES

In Mexico, thousands of people are disappearing on their way to the US. Their relatives embark on a relentless search to find them. On the Italian island of Lampedusa, tourists encounter hundreds of migrants. In Ukraine, people keep fighting for sovereignty; a fight that extends to borders that traverse the middle of society.

Innsbruck-based photographer Helena Lea Manhartsberger addresses global inequalities in three completely different regions. Her work sheds light on the brutality of existing structures of power and institutionalised racism; but also solidarity, hope and resistance of civil players. Manhartsberger tells the stories of individuals, without losing sight of the big picture.

Euroregio: Regional Journalism in Times of Transmedia Storytelling and Social Media 

Access to reliable journalistic information in the vicinity of one’s own reality of life is of paramount importance. On the one hand, our everyday world has grown more prone to the consequences of economic and political links in the globalised world – as seen with Covid-19 and the ramifications of the climate crisis. On the other hand, regional economic, political, cultural and social developments continue to shape our environment. Regional quality coverage is therefore essential in order to impart information about such developments. At the same time it is increasingly met with its own challenges. Editorial regional journalism too must face a rapidly changing media landscape and altered user behaviour. The increasingly connected – multilingual – Euroregion Tyrol – South Tyrol – Trentino invites us to a comparison of regional (media) realities and to a discussion about common challenges. 

Independent. Precarious. With Aspiration. 

Diverse opinions, critical topics, and fundamentally different perspectives: This is what media that wants to establish themselves as an alternative player using their own journalistic concepts, business models and methods stands for. In Tyrol, there are some important alternative media outlets with a consistent, perhaps even traditional, output – in spite of persisting precarious conditions. In the mix, we have aep informationen, founded over 50 years ago, street paper Straßenzeitung 20er, founded over 25 years ago, and the Innsbruck cult magazine UND, founded in 2015. In the more recent past, the term alternative media has predominantly been used to label populist and extremely biased platforms that developed as their own, digital-minded subculture. This round of talks is led and organised by students from the MA programme for Media Studies at the University of Innsbruck and provides an opportunity for regional media professionals to discuss what the term “alternative” means today and what challenges and opportunities alternative print journalism faces.

Challenges of #MeToo Coverage

Since the start of the #MeToo movement in October 2017, also in the German-speaking area, numerous cases of sexualised violence and abuse of power have become known. Just like in the case of Harvey Weinstein, it is often journalists who disclose these cases to the public after their thorough research. What does pretrial publicity entail? Why is #MeToo coverage so controversial from a legal point of view? What are the special challenges of an investigation in our own industry?

Martin Thür – My Collection. 

Martin Thür is anchorman of the Austrian news programme ZIB 2 and a zealous fan and creator of Excel lists. There is however a second passion that he is less well-known for: collecting whimsical campaign gifts. On the occasion of the super election year 2024, he has created an Excel list with his funniest and strangest campaign gifts. At this year’s Journalismusfest, he is going to open the doors to this selection in an exclusive exhibition for the first time. Stop by to see highlights like an Erwin Pröll action figure, an ice scraper “against the social cold” and clothes pegs for solar-powered drying. 

Opening of the Festival on the International Day of Press Freedom

Opening and Presentation by Claudia Reiterer. omen represent 80 percent of people affected by hate speech on the net. Once they have attained a certain level of recognition, they are even more likely to become targets. Comments often strike below the belt, address their look and sexualise them, instead of providing a content-based discussion about their arguments. Journalists thus have to manoeuvre through a special field of tension; because due to their media presence, the broad public will often perceive them in a greatly empowered role. Readers do not experience them as victims and are less likely to intervene. 

Surprise Screening

The surprise film screening in cooperation with the Innsbruck International Film Festival IFFI on the eve of the official opening of the Journalism Festival 2024 has been cancelled. The film will also be shown on Saturday, 4 May at 20:15 in the Cinematograph.